Evans SPH 3U1

Physics Grade 11

Unit 5: Electricity & Magnetism

Note 1: Electrostatics


Reference: Chapter 15


Note: Most of the topics/concepts in this chapter are a review of Grade 9 material. This chapter will be handled as an independent study unit. Students will be responsible for this chapter and they will be tested on the material.


Demo: Van deGraff Generator and pith ball (before AND after students have completed the following independent study)


Use the following questions as a guide to making your summary notes for Chapter 15.


1. Read Chapter 15 in your textbook.

2. Define the term: electrostatics.

3. Draw a simple diagram of an atom and label the location of the following:

    nucleus, electron shell, proton, neutron, electron

4. State the Law of Electric Charges

5. What is the name of the device that can be used to detect the presence of an electric charge?

6. Explain how an object can become positively or negatively charged (with respect to a deficit or excess of electrons)

7. Briefly explain the three methods of charging an object: friction, contact, induction

8. What is the Electrostatic series? How is it used?

9. What is meant by an electrical discharge? What happens when a positively charged object is discharged?

    When a negatively charge object is discharged?

10. How do electric conductors and insulators differ in terms of their molecular structures?

11. How is electric charge measured in electrostatics? Give the equation to measure charge and define each variable.

12. How many electrons are in one coulomb of charge?


Page 539-540 #1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28