Evans SPH 3U1

Physics Grade 11

Unit 1: Kinematics

Note 7: Projectile Motion


Reference: Chapter 2.3

Parabolic and Projectile Motion:

Demonstrate Timing - If a ball is thrown horizontally, it will stay in the air for exactly the same length of time as a ball dropped from the same height no matter how fast you throw it.

Discuss pg. 84 #1-3

Demo car with popping ball

Projectile Motion – In projectile motion an object really has 2 motions taking place simultaneously.  These motions can be treated separately.  The only thing that these motions have in common is that they occur in the same time interval. For ideal projectile motion conditions (absence of a resisting force), the vertical motion is uniformly accelerated motion ( i.e. free fall).  The horizontal motion is simply uniform motion.

Solving projectile motion problems:
- Use equation
- Use component method of adding vectors.
- May need to use quadratic formula or factoring to solve for time.
- Substitute time back in to find horizontal distance travelled (horizontal range).

Example 1:
An object traveling at 3.0 m/s [forward] along a flat friction reduced table top rolls off the table.  Assume that the height of the table is 4.0m.  Calculate:
      the time of flight (Answer: 0.9s)    
      the horizontal displacement of the object (Answer 2.7m [forward])
c)   the impact velocity 

Example 2: 
A cannon is set at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal.  A cannonball leaves the muzzle with a speed of 2.2 x 102 m/s.  Determine the cannonball’s:
time of flight              (Answer: 32 s)
b) maximum height        (Answer: 1.2 x 103 m )
c) horizontal range        (Answer: 4.9 x 103 m)
d) impact velocity

Example 3: 
A cannon is set at an angle of 45 degrees above the horizontal.  A cannonball leaves the muzzle with a speed of 2.6 x 102 m/s.  The cannonball lands on a hill that is 20. m high. Determine the cannonball’s:
a) time of flight  
b) horizontal range     
c) maximum height reached            
d) impact velocity     

Pg 81 #1,2 (Practice questions)

Pg 81 #1-8